Genesis Chapter 1 Discussion Questions
Who is sole creator of everything?
What was the condition of the earth in the beginning?
What did God create or do in each of the creative days?
What are some phrases that are frequently repeated in this chapter?
By what means did God create light, the firmament, the earth, vegetation, the sun, moon and stars, and the animals?
Over what things did God tell man to have dominion?
How did God describe His creation when He saw everything that He had made?
Genesis Chapter 2 Discussion Questions
What did God do on the seventh day?
How did God water the ground?
From what material did the Lord God form man?
What types of trees were in the Garden of Eden?
Of which tree was Adam not to eat?
What were some things that Adam was to do in the garden?
How did God make a woman?
When man leaves his father and mother and cleaves to his wife they shall be what?
What were Adam and his wife's reaction to their nakedness?
Genesis Chapter 3 Discussion Questions
How was Eve tempted?
After disobeying, how did Adam and his wife cover themselves?
What questions did God ask Adam?
Who did Adam blame?
Who did the woman blame?
What curse was put on the serpent?
What promise was made regarding the seed of the woman?
What curse was put on the woman?
What curse was put on the ground?
What curse was put on the man?
Who was the mother of all living?
With what did God clothe Adam and Eve?
After driving man out of the garden, how did God guard the way to the tree of life?
Genesis Chapter 4 Discussion Questions
What offering did each of the boys bring?
Whose offering was rejected?
Who did Cain kill?
Who said, "Am I my brother's keeper?"
What punishment did Cain receive?
What son was born to replace Abel?
Genesis Chapter 5 Discussion Questions
What unusual thing happened to Enoch?
Who was the oldest man and how long did he live?
Who were Noah's three sons?
How many years after Adam was created were Noah’s three sons born?
Genesis Chapter 6 Discussion Questions
What was the condition of men's hearts before the flood?
What was God's attitude toward man in general?
Who found grace in the eyes of the Lord?
What were the dimensions of the Ark?
How many doors were in the Ark?
How many decks (stories) were on the Ark?
How many of each kind of animal was Noah to bring into the Ark?
What else was Noah to bring into the Ark?
Genesis Chapter 7 Discussion Questions
How long did it rain?
What was the source of all the water?
Who were the people that got into the Ark?
How high did the water rise?
What happened to all the men and animals that did not go into the Ark?
Genesis Chapter 8 Discussion Questions
What bird was first sent from the Ark?
What happened when a dove was sent from the Ark the first time?
What happened when the dove was sent from the Ark the second time?
What were the animals to do when they left the Ark?
What was the first thing that Noah did when he left the ark?
Genesis Chapter 9 Discussion Questions
What was mankind allowed to eat after the flood?
What happened to a man who shed another man's blood?
What's sign did God give that he will never again destroy the earth by water?
Genesis Chapter 10 Discussion Questions
Who was Nimrod?
In whose days was the earth divided?
Genesis Chapter 11 Discussion Questions
What one thing characterized the whole earth?
Why did the people want to build a tower?
What was the name of the city where God confused the languages?
This chapter traces the genealogy of Abram back to what person?
What was the name of Abram's nephew?
What was the name of Abram's first wife?
From what place did Abram and Terah depart as they went to the land of Canaan?